HackPretty is a low-barrier, multimedia learning site
for people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds
HackPretty accommodates your unique learning style.
- Watch videos with sound or with subtitles
- Read articles on the same content
- Get a focus on hardware and design, whatever suits your fancy
Plus, every video is 5 minutes or less, so you can learn quickly and get on with your day.
Hackpretty is Made by Christine SUnu
I'm that girl who built robots at BuzzFeed and ran hackathons at Particle. I'm an interface designer with a focus on emotive, interesting interfaces that hook into human behavior and expectation. I build stuff because I think everyone should be able to build electronics!
Read more about why I started HackPretty here.
If you like HackPretty, help me make it better!
You can support the site and its content by sharing and subscribing. Feel free to also contact me with any thoughts or concerns about the site!
Great advice- @christinesunu from @BuzzFeed says “Be Awake and Unafraid!” -Thanks for teaching at @ncsulibraries about IOT innovations!
— Suzanne Phillips (@Suze_Phillips) September 19, 2016